Saturday, October 30, 2010

TWO is always better than ONE

What is the feeling of spending your days alone?
How does it feel to watch the movie alone? I've once watched a movie alone and when I said to the staff "1 ticket" his face is like "What,alone??!!"
And what more I chose a comedy film and laughing myself to the comedy parts really was not cool at all..

Spending years alone without someone called Husband is also troublesome,since everywhere I went, people will ask, "When you want to end your solo years?" So, to shut all the mouths, then lets get married..

Although people said by getting married, you have to give up all your Independence, but still having someone by your side for all the tough roads, not only for sharing the downs in the life, but having someone to share your ups in life is something we call blessing..

Apart from having loved one by your side, having a phone that can cater all your need is also a BLESSING!

As I always on the go, I always text during my driving (yeah, I know it is bad habit), thus I need the keyboard since I don't have to set my eyes on the phone and can pay my attention to the road.
But in the meeting room (so-called boring meetings), I want a touch screen phone that I can use under the table so that the Chairman won't notice. It's not fully for playing games during meeting, but sometimes I need to get a feedback from my subordinates, so I have to text them.

So, what do I need? Of course a phone with that 2 features and thanks God, the Blackberry® Torch™ 9800 have arrived in town. It is the first smartphone with a BlackBerry® keyboard and full 3.2 inch touch screen and is one of the examples TWO is always better than ONE.

But not all Blackberries are the same for only Celcom Blackberry gives me the best deals in town and the widest coverage wherever I go! No one can deny that Celcom is Malaysia’s No.1 Blackberry community, with the best Blackberry smartphones and plans!

Thus for people out there enjoy absolute savings with Celcom Blackberry smartphone packages to help you stay connected while you’re on the go! Check out our affordable package plans for various other Celcom Blackberry smartphones to suit your needs @!

Remember, TWO is always better than ONE!!!

Have found the Torch of my life,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Please Dont Cross the Border

N3 kali ni lebih kepada luahan perasaan..
umum sedia maklum akan wujudnya 'politik' di pejabat namun aku xpenah kisah..i dun ever give a da*n care!
tapi tetiba ade plak hamba Allah ni cuba nk tunjuk bagus and overright my right, for sure I naik bengang!
depan Pengurusan Atasan, tunjuk bagus,semua kerja boleh buat tp bile ade sangkut a.k.a keje tu problem,x nak ngaku sebagai pemegang portfolio berkenaan (yg dh dirampas secara paksa dr aku) of course la the blame is on me..
Pls Dun Put The Blame on Me!!!
Dah lama bersabar ngn perangai mamat nih,tp asenya dh x mampu nk bersabar sekarang.
Jadi selaku seorang yg mmg ganas & kejam,akan aku pertahankan hak aku dgn cara aku.
Kalau ade org yg buat ta*k ngn aku,siapla,ko mmg akan nyesal la hidup kt dunia nih!

~Schenna yang dah lama bersabar~

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Torch Your Life...with Blackberry Torch 9800

I always in quest for a phone that can cater all my needs..
I may not want to update my FB status every minutes and seconds..but I do want to know what my family members, what my BFF are up to..even for not-that-close-friends,their stories may catch my attention some parts here and there..

I want the convenience as I always on the go.To stay connected with internet is crucial for me and I cant explain more how important SMS is for me!
But looking for a phone, be it smartphone, IPhone or Blackberry is troublesome for me. I hate 100% touch screen since sometime I wanna text while driving (oh,wut a bad habit!). Thus I need a keyboard! But I really dont need the keyboard everytime since it is convenience for me to use touch screen while I'm in a meeting (or can I say,during a boring meeting?!)

Done with some research,here is one AT LAST!!
The latest new BlackBerry® Torch™ 9800. It has a BlackBerry® keyboard and full 3.2 inch touch screen!! What a bless!

With 5MP camera, I cant ask for more since I can update and filter multiple social networks in one view.

Even the best smartphone is never smart without a fastest, widest, clearest mobile network.Thus opt for Celcom, Malaysia’s No.1 Blackberry provider.

Heed the call of myriad success by checking out the Blackberry Torch with Celcom Postpaid plans @

Sunday, August 29, 2010

It all start here...

Guessed all of my Life Calculus(Calculus Hidupku) started here...

Let's peep moments before our wedding ♥

the Invitation Card

selecting Door Gifts

in the Gifts Shop

buying vacuum

Buying vacuum is part of the wedding? believe me it is! (cleaning purpose) =D

sending the cards

to Feisal n Epul

Henna Time!

** pls ignore the just-out-of-bed-face..really,i dun hev my bath yet!ahaks!

the finale

~ to be continued ~

Lots of ♥
Desa Petaling

Saturday, August 14, 2010



rasanya lepas nie,mostly entry kt blog ni akan bercerita tentang Pictures..
pictures yang penah aku ambil di mana2 sahaja..
might be the pictures are current..and might be the pictures were 3 years back..or might be 10 years before...

kegilaan ber-photo ni asenyer start timbul masa tgh kursus panjang kt INTAN..suke ambik gmbr ngn kawan2..movies..sampaila en hubby belikan camcorder sbb sukenyer la aku ngambik movie...

Pastu en hubby beli plk Sony Alpha..dia gile photo..aku pun terikut sama..

Instead of terbiar je gambar2 tu dlm Memory card,aku transferkan ia di sini..
Anda boleh komen..puji (ahaks!) dan sebagainya...

Lots of ♥
(balik kg hubby utk Ramadhan Kareem)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nak..Tapi..X Diguna..

Hye u ollss..(hahaha,mcm la ramai sgt org yg bace blog aku nih!)

Last week dok ngemas2 bilik, skali ter'serempak' la ngn barang2 aku yg bersepah-sepah menghiasi meja solek termasuk dlm laci dan rak bertingkat sblh katil...


Escada yg belum digunakan...

Then Miniature Lolita Lempicka & YSL Doll juga yg belum digunakan

(in fact, Lolita tu x bukak plastic lg) seb baik Doll tu dtg 4 kotak, 1 dh guna,1 kasi mak 1 kasi mama

Followed by Miniatures yg masih lekat di 'kotak' nyer (man n woman)

tak dilupakan Skincare fave gue..Clinique.. (pon belum guna)

dan juga sample Clarins yg aku dapat...

serta Wipes fevret ku.. Vit. E Body Shop

termasuklah miniatures comey pelbagai bentuk..

kenzo..DKNY..body shop..clarins...
termasuklah lipstick YSL yg blum guna huhu

Sebagai langkah drastik, aku telah mengingtkn husband ku agar kalo offer best belila menegah aku drpd beli mn2 perfume@skincare..sehinggalah abes sume2 ni aku guna..
boleh ker?
hihihi..semoga aku leih berjimat lepas nie...

Lots of ♥

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Allah timpakan Musibah

Dulu-dulu penah dgr Ustaz cakap,Allah timpakan musibah sebab Allah nak hilangkan dosa..Jadi bersyukurlah kalau kita ditimpa malang,sebab itu tanda Allah nk hapuskan dosa2 kita.Nasib baik Allah balas dosa tu sekarang,kalau Allah balas masa akhirat nanti xtahula seksanya mcm mana...Nauzubillah

Semalam nonton Al Kuliyyah : Terapi Jiwa,Ustaz Zawawi Yusoh pun cakap benda yang sama..

Teringat dulu2 jugak masa tgh study kt UIA,on the way nak pegi class suddenly tersadung batu atau ter'peleot' kaki,secara otomatik akan cakap dalam hati " mesti ade dosa yang aku buat tadi,jd Tuhan nk balas on-the-spot".At that time bersyukur sgt sbb Allah remind' diri agar tak riak atau terus wat dosa.

Macam sekarang ni, tengah ber'MC' selama 23 hari akibat jatuh basikal kt Challenge Park Putrajaya.Jari kaki patah dan dahi berjahit 7! Ya Allah, 1st time acccident teruk mcm ni (in fact, 1st time accident yg ada luka).Tapi,seperti selalu,aku sentiasa ingat dalam hati,setiap perkara yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya...Bila fikir2 balik,andai ini balasan Tuhan pada dosa-dosa lalu,aku bersyukur..bersyukur sangat2 sbb sekurang2nya Tuhan balas atas dunia ni..hopefully dosa carry-forward ke akhirat nnt berkurang...

Banyak yang aku discovered masa ber'MC' nie..
mcmana Allah boleh tarik nikmat tu on-the-spot je kalau Dia nak..Kun Fa Ya Kun (Ku kata jadi maka jadilah ia)..mcm mana xsedapnya nasik goreng tanpa kicap..mcmana xbole minum kopi..takut nnt parut jadi hitam (btol ke?)

Dulu2 masa duduk ngn Tok dan Wan,kalau Wan sakit gigi atau demam,Tok mesti cakap "Tuhan tarik nikmat makan la tu..dah x bole makan makanan sedap2"..Al Fatihah untuk Tok dan Wan yang dah kembali kepadaNya...

Aku juga belajar menyelami kasih sayang seorang suami..6 hari pertama suami yang mandikan aku sbb luka xboleh kena air..nk berdiri pun susah sbb jari kaki patah..sgt2 menghargai pengorbanan dan understanding beliau..wpon penat balik keje tp sanggup jugak mandikan aku..thanks Abang.. I ♥ U so much...

Tapi apapun yg dh berlaku,aku tau pasti ada perkiraan Tuhan yang kita sebagai hamba x dapat nk agak..semoga Allah berikan yang terbaik pada aku dan keluargaku sbb hanya Dia yang tahu...

Lastly, doa untuk keselamatan kita semua :
" Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku sesungguhnya aku berlindung dengan Mu daripada
kejahatan penglihatanku,
kejahatan pendengaranku,
kejahatan lidahku,
kejahatan hatiku,
kejahatan air maniku... "

Semoga kita semua diredai Allah dalam setiap apa yang kita lakukan..Fi Sabilillah..

Lots of ♥

Friday, July 23, 2010

Assalamualaikum..Konnichiha..Ahlan Wasahlan..Ahn Nyeong Hah Se Yo..Bonjour..

First of all,I welcome myself to the Blogging World..
Secondly a warm wish of WELCOME to all of u..
Thanks 4 visiting this Page..

Lots of ♥