Sunday, August 29, 2010

It all start here...

Guessed all of my Life Calculus(Calculus Hidupku) started here...

Let's peep moments before our wedding ♥

the Invitation Card

selecting Door Gifts

in the Gifts Shop

buying vacuum

Buying vacuum is part of the wedding? believe me it is! (cleaning purpose) =D

sending the cards

to Feisal n Epul

Henna Time!

** pls ignore the just-out-of-bed-face..really,i dun hev my bath yet!ahaks!

the finale

~ to be continued ~

Lots of ♥
Desa Petaling

Saturday, August 14, 2010



rasanya lepas nie,mostly entry kt blog ni akan bercerita tentang Pictures..
pictures yang penah aku ambil di mana2 sahaja..
might be the pictures are current..and might be the pictures were 3 years back..or might be 10 years before...

kegilaan ber-photo ni asenyer start timbul masa tgh kursus panjang kt INTAN..suke ambik gmbr ngn kawan2..movies..sampaila en hubby belikan camcorder sbb sukenyer la aku ngambik movie...

Pastu en hubby beli plk Sony Alpha..dia gile photo..aku pun terikut sama..

Instead of terbiar je gambar2 tu dlm Memory card,aku transferkan ia di sini..
Anda boleh komen..puji (ahaks!) dan sebagainya...

Lots of ♥
(balik kg hubby utk Ramadhan Kareem)